Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Every day we grow closer
It becomes more clear
The me that you love
Is not the me you hold dear
The silhouette develops
Of the misplaced lies
You trust will keep me
You trust I won't mind
We have mistaken each other
We have misunderstood love
Believing this was something more
It never could have been enough
I tried to mold you
Shape you for my own
I didn't realize what I was doing
You could have stopped me ya know
I guess you wanted to be mine
As I wanted to be yours
But at the end of the day
Who is it that we are fighting for?
posted by kemikal girl at 2:15 PM |


At June 17, 2009 at 4:58 AM, Blogger Cam said........
I very much adore this, and you.